Tyler Smith

Tyler Smith

Software Update 1-16-2022

Good morning, Washington State Licensees. It has been a much more difficult journey than we expected to build out a fully automated update to the inventory management services Dauntless provides. But we remain focused on delivering a service that is…

WSLCB Pesticide updated list

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has recently updated the list of pesticides that are allowed for use in marijuana production in Washington State, based on criteria previously established by WSDA. WSDA has added two new Section 3 pesticides…

Unplanned Outage 12-29-21

Dear Dauntless Users, We have experienced an unplanned outage and have resolved the issue, and are currently performing a root cause analysis and developing a mitigation plan to prevent future outages.The outage took our servers offline from approximately 12:12 pm…

Updates from Dauntless 12-22-2021

Good morning, Washington State Licensees. We understand that we made the expectation that these inventory intake and reporting tools would be live today but unfortunately the inventory intake user experience does not meet the standards our customers deserve. The good…